Welcome to @iviniciusls!
Welcome to @iviniciusls!
I’m are very happy to launch this open space to share with you our searches, knowledge and experiences and how we use and work with JS and NodeJS on our day-by-day. This is my first post and I will use it to talk a few words about me, my goals and objectives and how I plan to work on that.
About us
The idea of creating this blog is a personal desire that I’ve always had. I love to write and share content and learn with them and I want to pass away everything I’m learning and also get some interaction from everyone. I’m actively working with NodeJS on my day-by-day environment and as part of my work I’m always trying to increase the code quality of all my codebase by doing refactories on old code/not optimized code. And this is a recurring work as I’m always studying new always of appliyng patterns and ideas that I usually saw on other frameworks and languages or uncovering new ways of using this huge environment called JavaScript.
Our objectives and goals
This is simple: I want to use this space to share, in a free way, all of my ideas, discoveries and searches that gave me nice results on my daily work in a nice way to teach others and preserve this knowledge for my future searches. I agreed that this is a good way to keep and expand things, increasing my capacity of discover new ideas on-the-fly.
Who am I
At the moment of this post, I’m working for a multinational company heavily using JavaScript on my daily work. But I’ll always look for expand my horizonts in order to expand my capacibility of bring new stuff.
Contact me and keep in touch
By now, you can contact me by the link available in my profile description on each post. You can also contact me by sending an email to [email protected] or Twitter or Instagram and finally LinkedIn.